Welcome at the website of Stef Cleaning

Stefan Delaet's cleaning company ! Passionate in everything he does, and because he previously only had contact with customers through intermediaries and contractors, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

It was the will to care for his infant son, who was assigned to him part-time, that prompted Stefan to find a job that allowed him to work his own schedule. And so he decided to start his own cleaning activities in August 2020.


“ Climbing is only possible when you start at the bottom…“


Starting his cleaning activities just before the pandemic did not go smoothly. Since Stefan's reputation only preceded him among his friends and family, he still had to build his professional network... 

And so the adventure began with (as he likes to say with a smile): with a brush, a bucket and a squeegee...

Wherever he goes, Stefan will try to leave a good impression and ensure that long-term cooperation is possible and mutually beneficial. And he does not want to lose this good reputation!


A one-man company…

Stef Cleaning is the work of one person who undertakes and achieves his goals. Delegating work is not easy: the customer always comes first and quality is his priority...

Stefan listens to his customers in a very human way with the sole aim of responding as best as possible to the different expectations and requirements.

« Where do you stand today? »

“I have already achieved a lot… and still want to grow!

People do not hesitate to recommend me and that is the best publicity one can hope for, which is positive and at the same time motivating in this very tough job. The diversification of my activities also allows me to reach more people. And to further specialize and take on new challenges is also what I want to do…”

« Where does your motivation come from? »

“I've always had motivation... And since the birth of my son, it's only been strengthened! From my zodiac sign (Taurus) I have an innate perseverance: I am decisive and do not give up.

A big motivator in my job is undoubtedly the positive feedback I receive from my clients, who make me proud of my work. Without them, I would not exist and they have all my gratitude…”

Do you have a question ? Contact us via our ccontact page or Whatsapp on 0491871406.

See you soon !


Write your message hereafter

Passion is our strength. 
Your satisfaction our mission.